
The integration is working but it is not maintained and will be sunset in the future.

Please contact support if you wish to use Santander.

The Santander Group is a group of global retail and commercial banks with over 102 million customers.
To find out how to integrate with Santander using our merchant API, see Integrating using the Merchant API and more specifically, the createPaymentRequest method.

Santander Specific Notes

  • Refunds are done manually by contacting Santander. In the Merchant Information Interface, you can click the Refund button next to the payment to automatically send an e-mail to Santander.
  • Invoice type requires order lines to work. Total sum of order lines should match total amount.
  • For Here And Now / Here And Now Student, order lines are optional.
  • The <ReasonCode> XML response parameter shows which party an open payment is waiting for. Possible values are: 
    • NONE