HTTP method: GET
Use the getInvoiceText method to retrieve provider-specific texts for invoice payments. This is relevant if you are printing your own invoices.
API base url
Test URL |<method> |
Production URL | https://<YourShopName><method> |
Request parameters
Parameter | Description | Type | Mandatory |
transaction_id | The identification of the payment for which you want to retrieve the invoice text. | [0-9a-f]{1,32} | X |
amount |
Set the amount parameter to invoice an amount different from the full amount. |
float | X |
Response parameters
The table shows the most pertinent response values for the method. For a complete list of API response parameters, see API Response structure (XML).
GET call
XML response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <APIResponse version="20170228"> <Header> <Date>2020-03-10T15:36:43+01:00</Date> <Path>API/getInvoiceText</Path> <ErrorCode>0</ErrorCode> <ErrorMessage></ErrorMessage> </Header> <Body> <InvoiceText> <AccountOfferMinimumToPay>200</AccountOfferMinimumToPay> <AccountOfferText>Ønsker du å delbetale denne fakturaen går du enkelt inn på Brukernavnet tilsvarer ditt fakturanummer og passordet er angitt på fakturaen. Etter at du har godkjent vilkårene, betaler du inn aktiveringsbeløpet som er angitt på fakturaen. Det vil da opprettes en kundekonto hos Arvato som gjør at du kan dele opp fakturabeløpet over tid gjennom tilsendt månedsfaktura.</AccountOfferText> <BankAccountNumber>123456789</BankAccountNumber> <LogonText>Logg på med fakturanr og passord. Passord : xxxxxx</LogonText> <OcrNumber>234234523</OcrNumber> <MandatoryInvoiceText>Fordringen er overdraget Arvato Financial Group AB til ejendom. Betaling, indsigelser samt alle.</MandatoryInvoiceText> <InvoiceNumber>7373</InvoiceNumber> <CustomerNumber>832</CustomerNumber> <InvoiceDate>2011-03-10T15:36:43+01:00</InvoiceDate> <DueDate>2011-03-24T15:36:43+01:00</DueDate> <TextInfos> <TextInfo> <Name>Password</Name> <Value>xxxxxx</Value> </TextInfo> </TextInfos> <Address> <FirstName>John</FirstName> <LastName>John</LastName> <Address>Anywhere Street 12</Address> <City>Anywhere City</City> <PostalCode>1111</PostalCode> <Country>DK</Country> </Address> </InvoiceText> </Body> </APIResponse>