
HTTP method: POST

When payment funds have been reserved and the goods are ready for delivery, your system should call the capture API call to capture the payment.

By default, auto reauth is enabled for all terminals (but is only supported by a few acquirers), which means if the capture fails, the system will automatically try to reauth the payment and then capture again. Reauthorised payments, however, do not have CVC or 3D-Secure protection, which means the liability of the transaction will shift to the merchant. If you wish to disable auto reauth for one or more of your terminals, please contact us.
If reauthorisation is enabled, and a capture fails - an attempt to reauthorise the payment is made. Reauthorised payment do not have CVV or 3D Secure protection, which means that the protection against chargebacks is not as good. To disable reauthorisation for your terminals, please contact us.

Select a payment method to see the parameters relevant for that method: